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Taiwan Earthquake Adoption Update

Photo of earthquake damage to a home in New Taipei, Taiwan
New Taipei,Taiwan REUTERS/Fabian Hamacher

On April 3, 2024 at approximately 11pm here in Florida, we learned about the 7.4 earthquake that struck the east coast of Taiwan.

We were able to get in touch with our adoption liaison at Nightlight to give us an update on the situation. Here is what she wrote:

Many of you have already heard about the Taiwan earthquake that occurred today around 8 am Taiwan time. I wanted to make everyone aware that I checked in with our partner agency last night and everyone there is safe. It seems like there was very little damage that occurred in and around Taipei and New Taipei, which is where the majority of our cases are. The county of Hualien was the closest to the epicenter and sustained the most damage. It is about 2.5 hours away from Taipei.

9 deaths have been reported so far and recovery efforts are still underway. Please keep Taiwan in your prayers.

We ask for your continued support and prayers for Taiwan and for our adoption process.

Because our preference is to adopt a little girl aged 3-5, it is likely that she will be impacted by the quake and ensuing events in Taiwan. We pray that she is safe and continues to feel safe until we can bring her home.


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